Christmas tree made of tinsel with your own hands: design ideas and 5 step-by-step instructions (36 photos) |

Detailed instructions for different types of decorative Christmas trees made of tinsel were collected on the wall, from sweets or on a wire frame.

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A tinsel Christmas tree on the wall or in the form of a table figurine is a great way to quickly and budget decorate the interior with your own hands for the holiday. A large wall panel will be an original replacement for a real tree, if there was no place for it in the apartment, and a small one will complement the festive decor of the room. A brilliant composition can be decorated with toys, paper snowflakes, sweets or LEDs, there are many options. In this article we tell you how you can make such a decoration. Each of them provides step-by-step instructions, following which you will save yourself from mistakes and easily cope with the task.  

How to make a Christmas tree out of tinsel


On the wall

It’s not difficult to make a tinsel Christmas tree with your own hands. One of the fastest design options is to create a figure of the appropriate shape on the wall.

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What will be required 

First you need to choose a place where the Christmas tree will be located. With the help of a pencil, the template of the future tree is carefully marked out and then the “needles” are fixed on it (usually on tape or stationery buttons). It is not necessary to draw each twig, you will only stain the surface more, and complex drawings are not needed for the final result, a schematic representation is enough. After the base is ready, it can be decorated. Paper decorations, Christmas tree toys, sweets, dried fruits, etc. are suitable for this. During the fastening, avoid tension, so that nothing breaks later. Let the improvised branches sag a little, this is normal.

By the way, a Christmas tree can be laid out on the wall not only in this way, but as an alternative, you can take colored buttons, decorative vinyl stickers and other small things to indicate the contour of the figure. Then you can decorate it to your liking. Despite the simplicity of creation, this decor will be an excellent decoration for any room. You can even arrange similar Christmas trees in every room in the apartment, especially if you do not put a real tree.

How to do

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With a cardboard cone

Another option for a simple New Year’s decor can be made from cardboard or thick paper, making a base out of them.

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What will be required

Since cardboard is a more durable material than paper, use it whenever possible. The product turns out to be minimalistic and very stylish. You can complement it with various mini-decorations: for example, glass balls or paper toys. If you want a Christmas tree made of cardboard and tinsel to turn out bright and unusual, use not one, but two or three shades. But in this case, make sure that the craft is combined in colors with the rest of the decorations in the interior. 

How to do

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From sweets

Another variant of the New Year’s decor with your own hands is a Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets.

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What will be required 

The difference with the previous type lies in the device of the future spruce: sweets are fixed before the “needles”, and it acts only as a background to close the voids. For DIY, choose candies in a bright, beautiful package (ideally, if they duplicate the overall color scheme of the New Year’s decor in the room). By the way, such a Christmas tree will not only be an ornament, but also a wonderful sweet gift.

How to do

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With a garland

The Christmas tree on the wall looks beautiful and festive, complemented by an LED garland.

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What will be required

The frame, as in the case of a conventional wall Christmas tree, is marked and stolen on the surface, secured with buttons or tape. The garland can be put in the same shape or decorated in the manner of decoration, depicting a different pattern. Be sure to calculate the required length of the cord: so that flickering lights do not stretch all over the wall to the outlet itself, it is better to place the composition near it.

This decor can also be used as a backlight: turning off the main illumination, you will get light chamber lighting. Do not use a garland with colorful lights: it looks too colorful and is unlikely to fit into the overall style of jewelry. It is better to take light bulbs with a warm monochrome glow.

How to do

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Christmas tree made of wire and tinsel 

This decor looks unusual due to its shape. It is visually light, weightless and great for decorating different rooms.

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What will be required

An artificial tree can be of different sizes: from a suspended Christmas tree toy to a full-fledged analogue of a real spruce. The product is also suitable for winter yard decoration, since the materials are not afraid of frost or snow.

How to do

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How to make a stand

A spruce made of wire can be decorated with a stand-leg. For this:

What else can I decorate with?

As an additional decoration for such decoration on the wall or other surfaces, different objects will be suitable.

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These can be:

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