From aloe to Monstera: 15 best indoor flowers for your home

We talk about the benefits of a home green corner and about indoor plants that should be grown at home.

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The inhabitants of the home green corner are usually selected according to their attractive appearance. Bright, beautiful foliage and lush long-term flowering are appreciated. However, not everyone knows that decorative crops can not only please the eye, but also benefit. We have collected a selection of just such. We present the best indoor plants and flowers for an apartment and a private house. 

All about the best indoor plants


What are the benefits of indoor flowers

It seems that beautiful greenery or lush flowers are all that houseplants can please their owner with. In fact, this is not the case. They have many useful properties. Let’s list the most significant of them.

All these are statements confirmed by scientists. There is another fact, not scientifically confirmed, but proven over the years: some indoor plants are able to harmonize family relationships, have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of their owners. 

What plants and flowers must be in the house

1. Aloe

The second name is agave or rannik. It is a decorative succulent that forms rosettes of prickly fleshy leaves at the roots. It is famous for its medicinal properties: it has antiseptic properties, helps with various diseases of the skin and internal organs, is used in cosmetology. The most useful are considered to be specimens aged five years and older. The bush is unpretentious, easily reproduces. It can be dangerous for pets and for children, so aloe is placed in a place that is difficult for them to reach. 

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2. Begonia

An unpretentious flowering plant. There are several hundred of its varieties. Begonia is appreciated for its beautiful flowers. They are quite large, in different colors. With good care, it can bloom almost all year round. Effectively cleanses the air from dust particles, has an antiseptic effect. The flower is unpretentious, able to tolerate a short-term dry period. It needs high humidity and lighting for at least 12 hours a day. 

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3. Krassula ovata

The second name is the money tree or the fat woman. This is a bush with fleshy thick leaves. The stems become woody with age, which makes it possible to form bonsai trees. There are several hundred varieties of crassula. Among those that are grown in indoor conditions, there are bright green, light green and silver varieties. The border on the leaves also varies: from pale yellow to bright red. The fat woman does not need abundant watering and spraying, rarely gets sick and is almost not damaged by pests. But it has weak stems that break easily. Crassula is toxic to animals. It is believed that it brings wealth to the house.

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4. Echinopsis

Young cacti resemble a curled hedgehog, for which they got their name from the Greek “echino” hedgehog. As they grow, they stretch out. Individual specimens grow up to 2 m. In spring or early summer, echinopsis blooms. The cactus is unpretentious, reproduces easily, tolerates unfavorable conditions well. Absorbs electromagnetic radiation harmful to humans, for which it is especially appreciated. 

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5. Myrtle

One of the best indoor plants for the house. It is believed that it brings prosperity and happiness.

This is a small tree with small green leaves, it blooms very beautifully. It releases essential oils and aromatic substances into the air, which destroy pathogenic microflora and disinfect the room. Because of the pronounced smell, it is not recommended to keep myrtle in the bedroom. The bush easily tolerates pruning, it can be given any shape. The plant does not tolerate a lack of light and too dry air. 

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6. Ficus

A beautiful exotic with several dozen varieties. It is appreciated for its decorative appearance, bright lush foliage. In addition, ficus absorbs toxic substances from the air. Unpretentious, grows very fast. Even a novice florist can grow it. Most of the varieties bloom only in nature. Some varieties of ficus can provoke an allergic reaction, are toxic to animals. 

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7. Dracaena

A tree-like perennial resembling a small palm tree. It is grown in one or two or three trunks. Young stems are soft, easy to form. Dracaena contains phytoncides that destroy pathogenic microflora. The plant is quite unpretentious. He needs rare watering, but the humidity should be high. Sensitive to light, it should be bright, but diffused. In indoor conditions, the mini-tree almost never blooms. 

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8. Zamiokulkas

The second name is the dollar tree, because many believe that the bush “attracts” money. It is a herbaceous plant with unusual leaves-rachis, developing directly from nodules hidden in the ground. On each rachis there are several small leaves-feathers. It grows very slowly, so it is worth taking care of its reproduction in advance. It easily tolerates a short drought, does not need spraying and frequent watering. Zamiokulkas rarely blooms. The flower turns out to be in the form of a cob, closed with a peduncle-a “blanket”, often not even noticeable.  

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9. Chlorophytum

A flower that should definitely be in every home. It is a very unpretentious herbaceous perennial with a short stem and tuberous roots. It grows very quickly, reproduces easily. Chlorophytum is not sensitive to light, can withstand long periods without watering and without spraying. Cleans the air in the room from dust particles and pathogenic microflora, therefore it is recommended for allergy sufferers. Absorbs toxins and harmful impurities from the atmosphere. 

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10. Philodendron 

Decorative-deciduous exotic from the South American tropics. There are several hundred varieties, among which there are shrubby, epiphytic, terrestrial forms and lianas. All have beautiful leaves of different shapes and sizes. In addition, philodendrons are able to regulate indoor humidity and produce a lot of oxygen. They purify the air from formaldehydes, the special substances in the leaves kill the pathogenic microflora. With good care, flowering is possible. It does not last long, on average, a day or two. 

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11. Citrofortunella

The second name is lemon tree. It is a citrus hybrid, an evergreen ornamental tree. At home, it blooms and bears fruit. The fruits are edible, with good taste characteristics. Citrofortunella secretes a large amount of essential oils. They smell nice and disinfect the air in the room where the tree stands. The culture does not tolerate dry air. In winter, it needs to be illuminated, the lack of light provokes diseases. The branches of the lemon tree are covered with sharp thorns, so you need to take care of it carefully. 

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12. Monstera

Another South American exotic and one of the fashionable indoor flowers for interior decoration. This is an evergreen vine with large leaves. Young leaves are whole, gradually increasing incisions appear on them as they grow. Monstera is growing fast, for which she is loved by novice growers. She needs a lot of light and high humidity. The vine blooms very rarely, the fruits formed after flowering are edible. Its juice is toxic, so the monster is carefully grown in homes where there are children or pets. 

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13. Scheffler

Another decorative crop with leaves of unusual shape, which resemble small umbrellas. Scheffler is a distant relative of ginseng. It is famous for its ability to purify the atmosphere of toxins and pathogenic microflora. The bush is unpretentious, undemanding to the growing conditions. The only difficulty lies in the organization of additional illumination in winter. At home, Scheffler almost does not bloom. You need to handle the tree carefully, because its juice is toxic. It can cause irritation on the skin. 

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14. Senpolia

The second name is the Uzambar violet. A low herbaceous perennial with beautiful flowers. There are many varieties: with double or simple flowers, with wavy or corrugated petals. The colors are very different: there are monophonic, variegated, edged flowers. With good care, the violet blooms almost all year round. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on a person: it calms him, pushes him to make the right decisions, relieves insomnia. Senpolia needs high humidity, but spraying does not tolerate, waterlogging leads to rotting of the roots.  

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15. Hibiscus

It is also called the Chinese rose, however, culture has nothing to do with roses. This is a representative of the Malvaceae family. There are several hundred varieties of hibiscus, among them herbaceous, shrubs and semi-shrubs. At home, quite large trees are grown that bloom profusely. They have large flowers, up to 16 cm in diameter, of very different colors: from light yellow to dark red. One flower lives only a day, the next one immediately appears to replace it. Therefore, the flowering seems to be prolonged. Hibiscus is demanding of light and humidity. In the warm season, it can be taken outside. The plant raw materials obtained from the culture are widely used in phytotherapy. 

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