Humidity in the apartment: we determine the norm and maintain it Design 19.03.2022 The microclimate of the apartment plays no less important role than the stylish interior and thoughtful layout. About what humidity is normal for residential premises, how to maintain and regulate it in our article. The way we feel at home is very important for a high-quality daily life. This is influenced not only by the interior and comfort, but also by formal climatic indicators. These include indoor temperature and humidity levels. It is about the latter that we will talk in detail in this article. What should be the humidity in the apartment, how to measure it and maintain it at the proper level? Let’s deal with these and other important issues. All about the humidity level at home What humidity is considered normal in the apartment The normal indicator, according to GOST, is the range of 30-60%. However, these figures are generalized, since the norm is determined by the current time of the year. So, in summer it is 30-60%, the critically high mark is considered to be 65% or higher. Humidity in the apartment during the heating season, that is, in winter, a lower 30-45% is allowed. During the operation of batteries or other heating devices, the mark is unlikely to rise to 60% even with the presence of auxiliary means. Therefore, the first advice, relevant all year round, is not to allow indicators to fall below 30%, but to rise above 65%. But in fact, even these numbers are not universal. The concept of norm is also determined by the type of room. The variations will not be global, but in some cases significant. Let’s consider what factors can affect the condition of housing. Measurement methods Before taking decisive action to establish a home microclimate, it is necessary to measure the current indicators. Sometimes our body itself signals what is the optimal humidity in the apartment and when there is a deviation from the norm, but it is better to rely on more accurate measurements. Make them both popular and more reliable ways. Humidity level is too low In Russian apartments, most often the problem of humidity is associated with its insufficiency, which only increases during the heating season in most houses it is impossible to regulate the intensity of the radiators. But even in summer it is not always possible to create the microclimate necessary for a comfortable life. Let’s figure out what this threatens and how to improve conditions. Effects How to increase Humidity level is too high Sometimes the opposite problem manifests itself: excessive dampness. It can be associated with poor ventilation, improper insulation (usually in corner rooms), too tightly fitting seals on windows, the presence of a constant source of moisture (for example, leaking plumbing). Therefore, the first stage of eliminating dampness is solving the problem you have specifically and only then returning normal humidity in the apartment. Effects How to lower Original content from the site