Succinic acid for plants: the benefits of the substance and 6 ways of application Design 05.03.2022 Owners of indoor plants are always in search of a safe and effective remedy for their green pets. If you have never heard of succinic acid, this article is for you. We tell you how it is useful for flowers, how to use it correctly and what mistakes it is better not to make. Experienced flower growers and just beginning to grow house plants have one thing in common: I want to bring the maximum benefit to the flowers so that they continue to grow and delight with their appearance. Along with a variety of helper tools of varying degrees of effectiveness, the so-called “amber” is used. The use of succinic acid for plants is very widespread, it improves the quality of the soil and strengthens the sprouts. What other properties does the magic drug have, for what and in what proportions it is used, as well as about precautions, read our article. How and why to use succinic acid What is “succinic acid” and why is it useful In appearance, it is a colorless powder consisting of small crystals and odorless. It easily dissolves in liquids, such as water and alcohol. In nature, this chemical is found in almost all plants and, of course, in amber itself. It is very simple to buy “yantarka”: it is sold in the form of tablets in pharmacies and in powder format in horticultural stores. Some experts say that it is not worth breeding and using tablets for home jungle, allegedly the percentage of the active substance may vary, which makes it more difficult to calculate the correct proportions for the solution. However, the tablet remedy is widely used by flower growers, and following the instructions will help to use them safely and effectively. Inexpensive powder provides oxygen access to cells, protects against toxins with the help of peptides produced, affects cellular metabolism and forms amino acids. All these difficult words say that Yantarka can have the most positive effect on domestic plants. Advantages of the drug Flower growers love succinic acid for a reason, it has a number of advantages concerning not only the positive effect on seedlings. Let’s consider the main ones. How to dilute succinic acid for indoor flowers And although, depending on the problem and the method of applying the product, the concentration of “amber” will change, the basic algorithm of actions will be the same. Consider it. The use of succinic acid for indoor flowers Let’s move on to the most important point of how to feed flowers with succinic acid. There are several ways: watering, spraying, soaking. Each of them will have its own concentration of the active substance. 1. Pre-sowing treatment Growing seeds is not an easy task, it often requires a lot of time and effort. To speed up the process and improve germination helps “amber” to do this, you need to soak the seeds in its solution. This procedure will be especially useful for old over-lying seeds or, for example, for orchids, they require special conditions. When preparing the emulsion, add 2 g of acid to warm water and dilute everything with cool water. Soak the seed material in this solution and leave for 24 hours. Then the seeds need to be removed, thoroughly dried in the shade and prepared for further planting. Note: before sowing, you can treat with a solution not only the seeds of domestic plants, but also potato tubers and bulbs of perennial flowers. They need to be sprayed with the same liquid, covered with polyethylene and left for at least a couple of hours. 2. Rooting cuttings A more concentrated emulsion needs to be made to help plant cuttings take root, for example, when you propagated the mother plant. The cooking procedure is the same, but instead of 2 g, add 5 or 10 g so you get a 0.5-1% solution. Shoot with several leaves, lower the cut end into it by about 2-3 cm, leave for a day, and then root the bush in a suitable way. It is important to remember here that succinic acid is only an assistant, it does not form new stems and branches, but only promotes the growth of the formed ones. 3. Root system support Often the reason for the stunting and weakness of indoor flowers lies precisely in the lack of strength in the root system. To solve this problem, a plant is transplanted, during which the roots are treated with a remedy. Since the roots are fragile and thin, be extremely careful with them during transplanting and do not completely destroy the earthen lump. It can be sprayed abundantly from all sides with a solution without soaking the roots themselves. After placing the bush in a new planter, use root watering. The proportions for watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets are as follows: 20 pieces per liter of water. So you will get the same 0.2% solution that we wrote about above. Usually “yantarki” tablets are available in 100 mg. 4. Stimulating growth and flowering To give the plant (no matter garden or indoor) the strength to actively grow, bloom and give new shoots, spray its aboveground part. This will require a 1% emulsion, that is, with 10 g of “amber”. Do not think that the more, the better by arbitrarily increasing the dosage, you will only harm the bush. To improve flowering, the first spraying should be carried out before it begins, and the rest 2-3 times during. And to push the green part to develop, irrigate the seedling once every 2 weeks infrequently, but regularly. As for domestic specimens, they can be helped to actively grow and bloom even with the help of watering. To understand how to water indoor flowers with succinic acid, determine the volume of the pot and the size of the seedling itself. For miniature plants, a minimum concentration (0.1%) and a rare application no more than once a month will be enough. For larger indicators, you can slightly increase, but still stick to the figures mentioned above no more than twice a month, no more than 0.5%. 5. Getting rid of stress Spraying will also be useful in cases when the plant does not feel well, but you know that it’s not about underdeveloped roots. For example, it has just suffered an illness or is difficult to adapt to a new pot. The regularity may vary depending on the condition of the flower, but remains within 2-3 weeks. It is better to choose a concentration of 0.1 or 0.2%. If you have orchids or other exotic epiphytes, then spraying with an amber preparation will be very useful to them. Even without visible symptoms, they often experience stress from not quite suitable conditions or an insufficiently rich substrate. Use the same solution with the same frequency for treatment. 6. Disease control For these purposes, the most active drug is prepared with a 2.5% content of “amber” (25 g of powder is added). The easiest way is to spray the aboveground part of the plant abundantly, this will help in the fight against the main diseases. “Abundantly” means to create an imitation of a shower so that the solution evenly covers the entire seedling. Once again, we note that this remedy is only a measure of support, and for full-fledged treatment it is necessary to use additional drugs, for example, fungicides. In what cases do not resort to “amber” Precautions Instructions for the use of succinic acid for plants are not complicated at all, the proportions are clear, the substance itself is not poisonous. But you still need to be careful. How can useful properties be enhanced Some summer residents are not satisfied with the available beneficial properties of succinic acid and have found ways to enhance its effect. Let’s make a reservation that it is better to use them in relation to garden, and not domestic plants. Original content from the site