6 cool Ways to Quickly Refresh an old interior | ivd.ru

White color, live plants and light restoration brought together working techniques for instant transformation of a “tired” space.

The video listed quick ways to refresh an outdated space

1 Put live plants

A simple and quick way to update the old interior is to settle live indoor plants in it. If you already have planters with flowers, add to the collection with brighter and more spectacular varieties that will attract attention. Indoor flowers will cost much cheaper than a new renovation, and at the same time they will significantly change the mood of the room, adding new colors and natural accents. It’s especially great to have a couple of plants when it’s still gray and dirty outside the window: a blooming oasis with a summer mood will immediately appear in the house.

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2 Add white accents

The white color instantly refreshes any space. There are two ways to include it in the interior. The first is radical: for example, to repaint walls or large furniture. The second is local. To quickly change the atmosphere in the room, just a couple of white things are enough: for example, bed linen, ottoman, dishes or carpet. Keep in mind that achromate can have different shades depending on the subtone. Keep this in mind when combining a color with an existing palette.

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3 Diversify the textures

An unobvious, but rather interesting way to refresh the boring interior is to add a variety of textures. First of all, this applies to textiles, but you can also experiment with furniture, wall coverings or decor. Several different fabrics or, for example, wooden surfaces will make the atmosphere deeper and more expressive. This is a wonderful way to refresh the interior, if you want not radical transformations, but small changes.  

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4 Swap furniture and decor

You can not start a global permutation, but simply swap some items in the apartment. For example, a chair from the dining room can look great next to the workplace or at the sofa area, and an ottoman from the living room will fit into the hallway. The same applies to the decor: move pictures and posters or curtains from one room to another, and the space will change immediately. 

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5 Restore old furniture

Vintage details give the space a special gloss and character. Sometimes a wooden chair or a worn sofa can become the main accent in the interior, if you put them in order. To do this, you can take old furniture to a restoration workshop or try to refresh it yourself. If the item is expensive or rare, it is better to entrust the work to the masters and be sure that it will not be spoiled.

Complement the antique furniture with the appropriate details, one or two will be enough. Take out old paintings or photos from the bins and insert them into new frames, clean the panels from dust, put a gramophone in a prominent place from the attic. You will have a unique space that will differ significantly in atmosphere from what it was before.

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6 Get rid of some things

It is possible to transform housing, and without adding anything new, just with the help of cleaning. To do this, clean all the surfaces, hide the excess and what you rarely use in the boxes, and get rid of the unnecessary. The apartment will immediately fill with air, become visually cleaner and more spacious. Act decisively: if some things are in doubt and you are not sure whether they will be useful to you or not, put them in a box or on a distant shelf for a while. If you don’t remember about them in a couple of months, then you definitely don’t need them.

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