7 Household Chores that You Need to Plan for a Long Weekend | ivd.ru

Make a rearrangement, sort out clothes and documents have made a list of things that you have been putting off all year, and it’s time to do them.

How to improve the atmosphere at home on holidays? Suggested in the video

1 Arrange a permutation

A long weekend is a time for experimentation and interior renovation. If you don’t want to waste time and money even on cosmetic repairs, then you can start a small rearrangement instead. Select new zones or get rid of those that are not in use. For example, with the transition to a remote location, you might have a need for a workplace, but there was no need for a reading corner. Holidays are a great reason to reconsider the needs of the family and adjust the layout for them.

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

2 Disassemble the wardrobe 

Another idea of a simple and useful update is to clean up the closet. Disassemble the clothes, get rid of the one that has lost relevance or has not caught on, and understand what you, on the contrary, lack. The revision of the wardrobe can be supplemented by sorting clothes by images: for example, to collect on one hanger those things that you wear together. Another option is to disassemble clothes by color or purpose: at home, to the gym, for a holiday, etc. Any of these ways of organizing the closet will significantly reduce your time for packing and close the eternal question “What to wear?”. 

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

3 Fix everyday trivia

Has the tile in the bathroom fallen off or is the faucet leaking? A long weekend is simply created in order to finally finish everything that hands have not reached all year. If you don’t know how to call a master or a “husband for an hour” yourself, who will help you deal with technical nuances. Go through the house and write down everything that needs updating or minor repairs. After that, think about what you can do yourself, and what professional help is needed for. 

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

4 Organize open storage in a new way

Racks and shelves are also waiting in the wings: sort out books and other things that are kept in plain sight. Some of them may no longer be needed, give them away or take them to the country. Arrange the rest in a new way. You can, for example, get rid of visual noise by wrapping mismatched publications in craft paper. Or on those shelves where everything used to be packed to the eyeballs, free up some space and put decorative candles, photos or a small houseplant.   

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

5 Do what you’ve been putting off for a long time

Surely, during the year, some cases or issues periodically appeared, the solution of which you postponed all the time. Perhaps they were not emergency and therefore still remain undone. Solve them over a long vacation. Perhaps you have long wanted to create a poster with your own hands and decorate the wall with it or organize a sports corner in the living room. All this can be done in your free time. 

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

6 Design an art wall

A family weekend is a great time to do something together. For example, sign up for a photo shoot and print out the resulting photos. Then you can make an entire art wall out of them by combining different frames and adding a beautiful decor to them. You may want to design this area in some other way: you can draw something in common, use children’s drawings, old family photos, mirrors and just store posters.

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

7 Disassemble the documents

Often there is a slight chaos in the documents, which there is no time to sort out during the year. Do it on a long weekend. Finally understand where your SNILS is located and whether you need all that mountain of printed test results that has accumulated over the year. If you work from home and work papers are also in a mess, sort them out as well.

7 домашних дел, которые вам нужно запланировать на длинные выходные | ivd.ru

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