7 unpretentious large plants that will make your interior stylish | ivd.ru

Dracaena, hamedorea and asparagus have compiled a list of beautiful and very easy-to-care home plants that will decorate your apartment.

What plants will decorate your interior? Listed in the video

1 Dracaena

Usually the dracaena is quite compact, but with proper care it can grow and turn into a real mini-tree. At the same time, she is very unpretentious in matters of care. The flower copes well with drafts, steadfastly tolerates coolness or, conversely, heat. It will also survive the absence of frequent watering, and varieties with green leaves without a pattern feel comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. Variegated flowers are better placed in a more illuminated place to preserve the bright color. 

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2 Monsters

The monstera in the apartment looks very impressive due to its leaves and size. This is a real tropical plant that adds a powerful charge of energy to the interior. Due to its unusual appearance, it may seem that the plant is capricious and difficult to care for, but this is not the case. Monstera is quite an unpretentious flower: it can be watered infrequently, it feels great in the shade. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is additional dimming, especially under direct rays. The plant can suffer under too active scorching sun. 

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

3 Asparagus

This is a plant that actively grows in favorable conditions. Asparagus is a very “fluffy” and unusual-looking flower, it will organically complement any modern interior. To make it feel comfortable, it is enough to provide it with good lighting and do not forget to water it. 

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

4 Hamedorea

Hamedorea is a real palm tree that anyone can grow at home. She is unpretentious, but looks very impressive at the same time. In height, hamedorea, as a rule, is no more than a meter and grows slowly. It is almost not necessary to take care of it, but it is important to remember that the palm tree does not like heat and feels as good as possible at a temperature of about 22 degrees. Do not forget to water the plant well and make sure that the soil always remains moist. 

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

5 Zamiokulkas

This is a very beautiful plant with dark green glossy leaves gathered on a long stem. In the interior, zamiokulkas looks exotic and stylish. Although this plant is tropical, it perfectly takes root in an apartment. It feels comfortable both in bright light and in partial shade. Zamiokulkas do not need to be watered and transplanted often, it is as unpretentious as possible.

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

6 Ficus 

Ficus is extremely popular because of its beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness. Taking care of it is as simple as possible: periodic watering, optimal lighting level and rare top dressing if you want the bush to be more comfortable. You can also connect spraying, but this is optional. A small-leaved shrub easily takes root in those conditions where other domestic plants refuse to grow. 

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

7 Hovea

Another palm variety that is easy to grow at home. Hovea somewhat resembles hamedorea and is just as unpretentious. The plant can be of different heights, on average, a palm tree reaches a height of 3-5 meters. Ideal conditions for hovea are good lighting, room temperature (23-27 degrees), frequent watering. But even if you do not comply with them, the palm tree will continue to grow and develop. 

7 неприхотливых крупных растений, которые сделают ваш интерьер стильным | ivd.ru

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