How to avoid stress: 7 apps that will help you cope with anxiety Design 03.03.2022 Yoga, breathing exercises, nature sounds and practices in a game format — we have found seven applications that will help you cope with anxiety. Ekaterina Karpukhina “Mo: Meditation and Sleep” Mo is a meditation app that includes an impressive library of audio recordings and 19 courses: overcoming anxiety, finding inner balance, happiness. A separate section is dedicated to sleep – meditation sets will help you calm down, and 17 bedtime stories will help you fall asleep quickly. They include fairy tales that are interesting at the beginning and as boring as possible at the end. The reviews say that few people manage to listen to them in their entirety. “Loóna: sleep and relaxation” An application that will allow you to quickly tune in to a healthy sleep after a busy day. But Loóna does not use methods of falling asleep, it protects peace throughout the day and prepares for bed by influencing the emotional background. From the moment you wake up, you get access to the episode – an interactive story that combines fascinating narration and relaxing music. Going through it, you leave disturbing thoughts and reboot your mind. “Practice” Practice will help to cope with stress with the help of short meditation lessons. You can listen to them at lunch, before going to bed and even in transport. The application is completely in Russian and does not contain references to esotericism — here are only applied tools to increase awareness. Noisli Once alone, you can easily succumb to anxious thoughts. Calm down and tune in to work will help Noisli – a generator of background sounds for work and rest. By combining different sounds (for example, rain and trains) and adjusting their volume, you can create a combination to suit your mood. Sanvello: Anxiety & Depression Sanvello helps to track stress and anxiety levels and gives techniques to deal with them. You can keep a diary, meditate, record mood changes, and the app, analyzing your condition, will offer customized tools based on cognitive behavioral therapy that will help improve well-being. Happify: for Stress & Worry Psychology doesn’t have to be complicated, so in the Happify app, practices are disguised as games. They will help to distract, feel better, get rid of anxiety and negative focus on events. “Breath – meditation, yoga and sleep” Breath is a tool for breathing exercises. Various techniques will help in different situations: relieve anxiety, strengthen health, help avoid severe stress. Original content from the site